How we handle your data
We take care of your information
When you contribute to our struggle to give Kolkatas street children a dignified life and a bright future - either as volunteer, employee or contributor - we process a number of data about you. This is a prerequisite for us to receive, register, administrate support from, or have an agreement with you. We guarantee that we handle your data with precausion and respect for your privacy, in accordance with the Danish Data Protection Act.
How we protect your personal data?
We store your personal data under secure and confidential conditions, in an encrypted system with code protected access. Only employees with at occcupantinal need can access. Our scurity measures are being continually controlled, to determine whether your data can continue to be processed in a secure way and in consideration to your rights.
Which data are stored and which are passed on?
When you sign up for a membership at Gadens Børn via our website, and registered as a regular contributor, we collect, process and store the following personal information about you:
Full name
Phone number
E-mail address
CPR number (if informed in regards to tax refund)
Payment information
Your full name, address, phone number and e-mail address is passed on via secure connection til Payment Service. In cases regarding tax refund, your full name, CPR number and contributing amount of money, are passed on to the Danish Customs and Tax Administration, through a likewise secure connection. Additionally, your full name and e-mail address is passed on to Mailchimp, to receiving news and updates about our work.
We do not pass your personal data or information on to a third party, without your consent or a legitimate need.
When signing an agreement with Gadens Børn as a volunteer or employee, we gather, process and store the following information about you:
Full name
Phone number
E-mail address
CPR number
Criminal record
Child protection certificate
Blood type - only at stationing
Information on contact person(s) - only at stationing
CV and application
Pictures of and from you are published at Gadens Børns website and social media
Your motivation to become a volunteer or employee at Gadens Børn, is published at Gadens Børns website and social media.
How long time we keep your information?
We store your information, as long as there is a reasoned need for it. This means, that we in the determination of data process periods for storing your data, we emphasise the following criteria:
If we have been in contact with you, within the last 2 years
If we have received contributions from you, within the last 5 years
If you have been a volunteer; and it is likely that we can recruit you again in near future
The Danish Bookkeeping Act, and rules about storage of accounting records
How are your rights?
According to the The EU General Data Protection Regulation you have the right to:
To gain access to personal information, that Gadens Børn store and process about you
To correct and update personal information, that Gadens Børn has registered about you
To withdraw your consent, regarding processing all or certain parts, of your personal information
To have all personal information deleted, registered at Gadens Børn, in case there is no longer a legitimate need to process them
If you wish to make use of your rights, or have any questions, comments or objections, to the way we store or process your personal data and informaton, you can make an enquiry to: info@gadensboern.org
Furthermore, you have the right to file a complaint to the following, on the way we store and process your data:
The Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 København K – tlf.: +45 3319 3200 – mail: dt@datatilsynet.dk