Gadens Børn behind the curtains
92% directly to the children
In Gadens Børn our primary task is to keep our administrative costs at an absolute minimum, to secure that as many of our raised funds as possible, are disposable for our important cause.
As our work to a great extent, is based on voluntary work, 92% of our raised funds contribute to the development and strengthening of our projects for the children.
Three full-time paid employees in Denmark
In Denmark, volunteers assist the Founder & General Secretary, the Operations Manager, and the Project and Fundraising Manager. All of them are very modestly paid. Volunteers assist in a wide range of administrative, practical, communicational, and fundraising tasks. They voluntarily contribute their time, experience, and expertise to help us. This strengthens, develops, and streamlines our initiatives for the children, through sparring, knowledge sharing, and counseling - so that we continuously improve.
Our offices, accounting, annual report, physical materials, etc. are generously sponsored, and our administrative costs entirely consist of the three Danish employees.
Volunteers ensure drive and network
All our Danish passionate volunteers travel to Kolkata at their own expense. Through great commitment and hard work, they make a huge difference for the afflicted street children, every single day. They are the reason why we are able to have a huge interface and make a rather big difference in Kolkata, even though we are a rather small NGO with only three full-time paid employees in Denmark, .
In addition, to support our local staff in their work (presently 82 local employees) our Danish volunteers also help us strengthen and sustain the quality and spirit of our projects, and they contribute to securing contact between the Danish management and the projects.
Help to self-help
95 % of our staff in Gadens Børn consists of a local Indian team, with only three employees in Denmark and a project coordinator in Kolkata. The fact that these projects are increasingly serviced by local employees, is a development that we are very happy and proud of.
Our objective is to provide help to self-help and we believe that by anchoring knowledge and experience locally, we create sustainable solutions - today and in the future.
Would you like to meet the people behind Gadens Børn?
In addition to our Danish and Indian Team, Gadens Børn is lead by a strong Board of Directors and a creative Advisory Board, who all work voluntarily for the street children of Kolkata.