The 4 humanitarian principles
Suffering people must be helped, no matter where they are. The purpose with humanitarian aid is to protect life and health and establish respect for human life. The right to give and receive humnanitarian aid, is a fundamental humanitarian principle, which should be enjoyed by all humans - regardless of country.
Humanitarian assistance and aid is offered regardless of the receivers race, faith, social class or nationality and without discriminatory treatment of any kind. Humanitarian aid must exclusively be offered on the basis of need, with a specific attention on the most vulnerable.
Humanitarian aid must not give preference to any political, ideological or religious part, nor any part in an armed conflict or any other conflict.
The humanitarian purpose is independent of political, economic, military or other interests, and is committed not to serve as a tool in the foreign policy of any government.
Gadens Børns 15 principles
The foundation for Gadens Børn is and will always be to help the ones with the biggest need - no matter who they are, what they do or what they believe in. The 4 humanitarian principles is the very base for all our work and the following principles and code applies and guides all our employees, volunteers and interns in Gadens Børn. Violation means immediate dismissal and if neccesary police report.
Employees, volunteers and interns in Gadens Børn must all respect the culture and customs of the people who benefit from their help and support.
Gadens Børn holds itself responsible to the people they work for and help, and the organisations from whom they receive ressources.
In all Gadens Børns information, publications og marketing related activity, children and young people will be acknowledged as dignified human beings and not helpless objects.
The interest and the protection of the children will always come first in connection with any kind of act or decision made by Gadens Børns management, employees, volunteers or interns.
No employee, volunteer or intern at Gadens Børn must judge an individual from race, etnicity, nationality, age, family relations, religious beliefs, psychical or intellectual ability or other personal characteristica.
Gadens Børn will always involve children and young people, in all activities and decisions affecting their lives.
No behaviour that can be regarded as abuse will be tolerated from employees, volunteers or interns. This also includes verbal abuse, physical and psychological abuse including emotional abuse.
No employee, volunteer or intern must take part in an intimate or in other way unproffessional relation with children or young people - and no employees at Gadens Børn must hold at sexual characterised behaviour.
Gadens Børn wants to make sure that their employees, volunteers and interns are educated in laws for the protection of children, to avoid committing any kind of child abuse in their personal lives, as well as within the organisation.
All employees of Gadens Børns possess a position of trust towards the children and must at any time act in accordance with and preservation of this.
No employee, volunteer or intern at Gadens Børn must resort to psycical punishment or other violent behaviour, to disciplin a child in any way.
Gadens Børn will not favour a child under their protection, by receiving any kind of services from them.
No employee, volunteer or intern at Gadens Børn will force a child to receive services offered from Gadens Børn – being meals, health checks, schooling, rehabilitation program or a permanent home. Acceptance of offers will always be the childs individual free choice and with the accept from a parent or a guardian, if the child is under the age of 18 years.
Gadens Børn will inform and educate the children and young people about their rights in accordance to the Child Convention.
Gadens Børn will, when possible, participate in international and local activism to protect children, as global solidarity help protect children, both locally and internationally.