"It has been my dream from the very beginning to open an orphanage. Through the years, we have developed various initiatives to provide the children with a haven from the rough life in the street. But it has really tormented me, that we had to send them back to the slum or the station during nights, when we could no longer care for them at our centres. This we will change now".
— Pia Lindell Qwist, Founder
Will you help us create a safe home filled with love and care for even more street children?
A permanent home for 35 girls
In 2019 we invested in a property, that will provide at home for 35 of the most vulnerable and most neglected girls from the street, with a permanent home characterized by security, comfort, love and stability. This way we are one step closer to fulfilling the last wish of the children – the dream of a home.
Breaking the cycle of poverty requires safe, stable and healthy environments
Over the years we have seen a huge development among the children, who come at our centers on a regular basis. The majority of these children used to sniff glue, cut themselves, beg or prostitute themselves in order to survive. The sad and empty expressions in their faces are now replaced with smiles, laughter and curiosity.
However, some of these children are victims of such traumas and destructive neglect, that they are beyond the ability to seize the tools that could help them. They live alone on the streets or with families, where violence or abuse is an everyday occurrence. These children have no one that will take care of them. No one worries about them. No one takes them to the hospital. No one makes sure. they go to school or get food in their stomach. And no one protects them against violence, sexual abuse or human trafficking. These children desperately need a place, in which they feel supported, appreciated and taken care of in order to benefit from our education programme - and thus develop in a positive direction, like the other children. It is therefore our mission to give these girls a chance to benefit from a healthy, safe and loving childhood, where they are able to spend their energy on playing and learning - instead of surviving.
In our Girls Home, we provide nutrient meals, warm beds, clean clothes, healthcare, psychological help and access to quality education, when time is right. Last but not least, there are adults who care for and worry about the girls. In addition, we also register the girls as citizens by producing birth certificates - which will improve their access to public offers, such as health care, education and jobs.
The Girls home is 400 m2. The girls' new and very first home is in the area of Beliaghata – a safe and quiet neighborhood with at lot of recreational areas. The estate abuts a beautiful and fertile park, with a big lake in the middle and several playgrounds, where the children can enjoy themselves in the afternoon and during weekends. Just like Gadens Børn’s other estates, this estate is bought through Gadens Børns Indian Trustfond, and thus will always belong to the children – no matter what happens with the organization in the future.